This is my other favourite. Actually this was the last rangoli I made at home (made others outside though). Deepavali 2002, we had so much fun, with our friends and family. We had a party at home. The last one with dad.
Haven’t celebrated Deepavali since then ;)
here for a larger image
What about the lamps all around G? are they also done with rangoli or are they real lamps?
We normally place lamps so ppl won't step on them. Dad stood guard and for days made sure no one stepped on it ;p
and y did u choose green as the color ? just curious ..y not gray ..cudnt tht been the obvious choice ? forgive my ignorance .
Its supposed to be a banana leaf ganesha - look closely or see the larger image. Thats y theres 2 greens in it.
N if I had used a different colour for a different ganesha it would have been whetish gray suits siva.
of course or wheres the fun in it! ;p
suresh : the other one is active ;)