Friday, January 20, 2006
Sangu Chakaram
Blogger Visithra said...
mistyeiz : yes i did ;) thanks ;))

oh theres 2 versions - ones in colour where theres a lot of preparation - this one is drawn with a liquid flour mix ;)

Blogger ashok said...
visithra... just beautiful..all of them...u've got good proportion sense...

Blogger Visithra said...
ashok : thanks ;)

Blogger Visithra said...
kartik : welcome here ;)

thanks but that would require finding a higher spot n there was none no chair too ;)

Blogger logic said...
Your page speaks all the languages madam..thats amazing..
missed this miracle all these time

Blogger Visithra said...
logic : welcome here ;)

my kolams or my writing? ;) thanks anyway;)

Blogger suresh said...
sanguChakaram/NavaKolam : the curves are long and beautiful. But how do you draw this ? I CANT even draw a simple arc on paper. long arcs shd be a really tuf thing to do, I guess.

Neli kolam: I just love that and feel at home as neli Kolams are the most popular stuff in my place.

Blogger Visithra said...
Suresh : welcome here ;) thanks ;)

the curves come through practice and must be done in one swift or it loses the flow

oh by the way the names were just added - designs are mine though ;)

neli? Puli kolam? Its the easiest to do once you get the hang of it n needs no preparation plus theres so many design options ;)

Blogger Unknown said...
Nice one there? JUst curious to know how long it takes you to complete one?

U must be real patient!


Blogger Visithra said...
Rashmi : welcome here ;)

thanks ;) the big ones take about 30 - 40 minutes - i can do 3 medium sized ones in 45 mins ;)

its actually pretty therapeutic ;)